
Marble & Feathers – download album

Original price was: 99,00 kr..Current price is: 79,00 kr..


11 new souls songs . This is the second album from the Danish spirituel songwriter Ianneia (formerly Jane Meldgaard).


All the songs reflects Ianneia’s own journey in self-realization and spirituel growth. The Danish spiritual book club “Psyche and Soul” presents the album as music for the new age.


You can also call it spiritual everyday music. Or nordic jazz filled with ease, harmony and high vibrations. The lyrics all speak to your soul. When listening, you will feel connected to the truest and most powerful part of your being, and you will raise your vibrations.


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To listen and learn more about Ianneias Soul Songs, go to


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Soul Songs: Marble & Feathers


The soul songs on Marble & Feathers have received positive reviews several places. Here are some exampels.


The Danish spiritual book club Psyche and Soul wrote about the 11 soul songs:


“Marble & Feathers is a beautiful album with sensitive and meaningful songs about the difficulties and the opportunities of being a spiritual human on Planet Earth. The musical style is a hybrid between traditional new-age music and contemporary Nordic jazz/latin. The result is music, which both spreads harmony, well-being and empowerment.” 



Levi Hammock wrote in (a community for positive and empowering music and lyrics):


“Ianneia (formerly Jane Meldgaard) has an elegant ability for songwriting. She imbues her music with incredible creativity and grace. With themes of self-realization and spiritual growth, and music of such serenity and inspiration, Marble & Feathers is a dulcet and empowering choice for anyone. Ianneias smooth, sweet sensibility captures an iridescent palette of beautiful colors and soft, serene tones. She has a way of evoking such an ease of feeling. Assisted by musicians that play so tastefully and with so much care and effortlessness, Ianneia projects a relaxing and delicate atmosphere throughout every track”.



Ove Nørhave wrote in Nordjyske (the local paper for the northern region in Denmark):


“Ianneia (formerly Jane Meldgaard) is now ready with a new portion of pleasantly laid-back and very balanced songs. The new songs can be placed somewhere between crystal-clear pop, ballad as well as approaching the end-of-the-night jazz. All splendidly backed up by Ole Sloth (piano), Peter Søvad (bass), and Martin Kollerup Sørensen (drums). Unfortunately, Ianneia is up against an array of musicians with a remarkably higher marketing budget. However, if you dare to step aside the main road, even just for a mere moment, you are rewarded with “Marble & Feathers”.


For the entire reviews go to REVIEWS MARBLE & FEATHERS

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